The Government inspires this author to re-imagine the Myth of Sisyphus.
The imagery is that of Sisyphus, who represents Private Enterprise.
The insuperable Boulder represents Governmental regulation, corruption, inefficiency and its paradoxical enmity toward successful private business-persons.
The Peak of the promontory, or its Plateau -- theoretically unattainable -- represents Success and Wealth Creation....
And a final Actor: an angry, progressive populace, waiting at the Plateau, with grimaced faces and sharpened pitchforks to 'greet' Sisyphus in the unlikely event that he prevails.
Read: Licenses to Kill Opportunity (WSJ, Nov 24 2017) | A new study shows how state licensing rules block upward mobility.
Az egyik legfontosabb magyar animációs film. Tökéletes tömöség, filozófia. Marcell Jankovics.